Healer Q&A: How to use intuition to grow your business with Nanci Deutsch

October 8, 2024
Healer Q&A
Nanci Deutsch

The following interview is a transcript excerpt from The Heallist Podcast episode. Listen to the full audio version below and subscribe to get notified of new episodes.

Ever wondered how to unlock the power of your intuition for business success? In this episode of the Heallist Podcast, we sit down with Nanci Deutsch, a distinguished holistic psychotherapy practitioner, to explore how inner wisdom can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs. You'll learn why addressing limiting beliefs and mental clutter is crucial for accessing those deep intuitive insights that can drive your business forward.

Nanci explains the nuanced differences between heart and gut instincts, providing practical tips for enhancing your intuition in both personal and professional aspects. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to balance analytical thinking with intuitive guidance for more effective decision-making. The conversation also touches on the concept of energetic balance in business operations, emphasizing the integration of feminine energy in a predominantly masculine business world. 

Clearing the Path to Intuition

Nanci Deutsch: I had a lot of trauma and, as I was growing up, I never felt confident and I did not feel confident in making decisions. I was the kind of person that I would be like, “hey mom, what do I do?” Or calling all my friends not knowing, asking everybody outside myself what I should do to make the decision that was best for me. And finally, what started happening was I did a lot of training personally, professionally, did a lot of personal growth, healing on every level body, mind, emotions, spirit. And then one day I was sitting on my couch having my tea in the morning and all of a sudden, I had the realization that I needed to depend on me and my intuition to guide me to the best decisions. 

What started happening was I developed a process called the Intuition Advantage System and I started using it with clients and teaching them the process. I started speaking and teaching others the process, and it's grown since then, and I'm happy to be sharing the steps. But I will tell you, one of the first steps is clearing. So that's kind of what it is in a nutshell, and I just feel really committed to supporting people practitioners to really use their intuition to be able to make their best business decisions, but the best decisions they have in every area of their life.

The Power of Clearing for Manifestation

Nanci Deutsch: When I say clearing, what I mean is when you're in that thinking mode, there's stress or there's anxiety, or you're in the past or you're in the future. And when you're in the past or the future, you're not present enough to be able to get the intuitive information that wants to come through, because intuition happens in the now, it happens in present time, and so it's clearing your energy in whatever way works for you. For example, with me, I like to do meditation. I'll do meditation in the morning with clients.

One of my favorite things is Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. And so I tell clients to take three pages and just do a brain dump in the morning and just write, write, write until you're clearing the energy. Exercising yoga, whatever works, breathing and prayer, whatever works for you, and sometimes the things that work for you one day may not work for another. So it's having your list. I tell clients to have a list of the different things that clear their energy so that if one doesn't work one day, you can try the next one.

Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies in Decision-Making

Nanci Deutsch: So the way that I like to share the intuitive system is the active part for me is in the asking. Active part for me is in the asking. It's in the asking what decision? Because a lot of what I do is all about decision-making, because from my own experience and journey and then working with clients is like I don't know what to do, I don't know how to do it. So I saw how much there was a need for it and so it's the communication. There's two pieces: the active part is the asking whether you can ask for the message of the day or you can ask for a specific decision, in order for you to get the answer that you need now. 

There's daily clearing and there's deeper clearing when you have a decision, whether it's around money or a relationship, like a major life decision, whether to move or not to move, or whether to stay or go in a relationship, or do I spend money on this or that. When you have decisions like that and there are a lot of limiting beliefs and emotions in your pipeline, then you can be all clogged. I actually have a visual for it. My visual is if you can imagine that we are pipelines to and from the divine and when you have a clog, you have a big hairball of limiting beliefs and emotions that are clogging the pipeline, and so you're not going to be able to get a clear answer until you clear the deeper levels, using techniques like hypnosis or I do somatic work, body-centered emotional release, doing the deeper clearing.

And once you do the deeper clearing, you're asking for the active. It's actually the masculine/feminine principle. The asking is the masculine energy and the feminine is the receiving and the intuitive process is both. It's the creative process and we need to have both of those energies in alignment.

The Role of the Heart and Gut Brains in Intuition

Nanci Deutsch: So, our ego can sometimes feed us faulty information, but the gut, just going to the truth of tuning in that feminine energy and learning to really tune into your body, because your body knows the truth, your gut, and even your heart. Your heart is your soul talking through you. Your body knows the truth of what really is. And so, if you really allow yourself to be in that quiet space and what I like to ask, “Is this experience from my highest and greatest good?” Because I like to be in the frame of we want to go towards our highest probable future, our highest and greatest life in this experience. And so, when you ask the question, and then be quiet and listen for the answer from your heart or from your gut. 

We have three brains, not one. We have our brain, we also have the heart brain. The Heart Math Institute had talked and our heart brain actually has more electromagnetic energy than our brain brain. And then the gut brain, and that's another. They've been researching everything, and the gut brain is also a very real brain and it's constantly sending us messages as well.

When we know something, I'll say feel, and when we have an experience, intuitively, you get the instinct, the gut, response, reaction. And you know, as a successful entrepreneur, those who trust their gut succeed more than those who don't. And the gut is giving us that information and it's about learning to tune into the gut. Now I will tell you that there still needs to be clearing, because it's important to decipher between the fear that's coming from a fear place and the fear that's coming from, let's say, your gut is saying, yes, you know you need to do this, but there may be fear in order to accomplish it.

The brain of the brain and the gut brain are body, they're from our body and our body has amazing wisdom. So I don't want to underestimate that wisdom, but it's all of it is present time, but the heart can also be future, whereas right now the gut is much more, “This is now, this is what I'm getting now it's much more present oriented and this was just downloaded as we speak.“

Having Clarity and Following Through on the Action 

Nanci Deutsch: After the communication, it's having that clarity, because a lot of times what happens is you're asking because you want the clarity. Once you have the clarity, this is where the action comes in. The next step is courage, and it's having the courage to take the inspired action that your guidance has given you. And finally, the last step is commitment, and it's being committed to the journey of continuing to tap into the higher aspects, because any of us in a holistic business or soul-aligned business, we want to come from that more spiritual space and it's continuing to tap into that place that can really support us every step of the way to keep moving forward. And sometimes you're going to feel discouraged, sometimes your personal life will get in the way and sometimes you'll feel knocked down. But it's having that commitment that, no matter what is going on, that you have a purpose, a mission, and a destiny, that you are here for a reason to make the changes in this world that humanity needs.

How Healers Use Intuition

Nanci Deutsch: Part of it is understanding. When you get the download and the clarity, you may know the next right step. If you're not sure what the next right step is, it may have to do with understanding what's keeping you from taking the step, like someone may know that they need to do maybe more speaking or reaching out or making that telephone call to promote themselves, but they don't and they feel stuck or they feel scared, or a lot of times it's fear and you may not even realize that that procrastination has to do with fear or another perfectionism.

Coming from clients that I've worked with, it's the fear of moving forward, like “What if I am successful?” or, “I can't move forward until it's perfect.” So it could be one or the other and it's going back to the clearing, because the clearing of that deeper level belief or issue is really important in order for you to take the inspired action. When you're really clear and you've cleared the energy and you know what you need to do, you just do it, you just know it. You can feel that energy. It's bigger than you because it is.

It's the same thing with manifesting anything. If you're feeling an energy in your body in any way, shape or form, then the clearing is needed in order for the manifestation to happen, because the manifestation wants to happen. It's there, like you're getting the guidance you want to manifest this and it's all that energy, the flow of the universe, the divine that wants to come through and it's clearing the stuff.

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