Healer Q&A: Manifesting your ideal business with Jen Mazer

October 23, 2024
Healer Q&A

The following interview is a transcript excerpt from The Heallist Podcast episode. Listen to the full audio version below and subscribe to get notified of new episodes.

Join us on this electrifying episode of the Heallist Podcast as we welcome the queen of manifestation, Jen Mazer, who flips traditional manifestation on its head. She’s the author of Manifesting Made Easy and the co-founder of the board game Sparked along with numerous achievements. She shares how our dreams are actually intuitive messages from the universe, guiding us to take aligned actions. Her captivating journey, including her incredible story of manifesting a rent-free apartment, serves as a testament to the power of synchronicity and flow in making our dreams a reality.

Discover the transformative power of optimism, gratitude, and intuition in business. Featured in the New York Times, Fast Company, New York Magazine, Real Simple, Cosmopolitan, Inc., Marie Claire, ABC, and more, Jen teaches people how to manifest their dreams while making an impact on the world. She also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook, focusing on growth, and expecting positive results. 

How Manifestation Came About on Jen’s Life

Jen Mazer: For me, the natural part is I truly believe everything is working out all the time, so even when obstacles show up because obstacles are always a part of the process it's not that when you are super successful and you're enlightened but no obstacles come, it's that when they come, we can find the opportunity in the obstacle instead of it being an obstacle. From a spiritual perspective, it's loving the obstacle, so you raise your vibration to match that at the obstacle. We're not avoiding the obstacle, pretending it's not there. We're confronting it head on, but we're not afraid of it. It's not something that we need to conquer, but there's something there for us. 

So for me what's come natural is I'm an optimist. I've always thought positively and I've always viewed myself as being blessed, and that the universe is watching out for me, and all of us are, all the time. There's no mistake in the universe. We're all supposed to be here. We're all God, we're all part of the universe. We have that same creation energy within us. I'm a human, we all are. I have my own moments, but I come back the fastest. I don't stay down in a place of like beating myself up for something you know that didn't go right. Because I think when ego comes in, we think, “I manifested this.” When it's not really you manifesting anything, you're not making anything happen. You're co-creating with the universe always. And when things don't go your way, you're not beating yourself up.

I'm not making myself feel bad if I received a rejection or a no because I'm making my worth about my results. Instead, it's about how I'm proud of how I'm showing up, that I am in alignment with my own intuition and my own inner guidance, and how I'm treating other people.

Everything you want is right in front of your nose if you can just see it right. And the more you take action on your own intuition, those things that you think you should be doing you, the intuitive part, not society or someone told you you should do but the more you act on your own intuition, the more guidance comes in right. So the more that we follow our inner voice, the more we experience, the more synchronicity. So a practice of gratitude is great.

The Benefit from Manifestation in Holistic Businesses

Jen Mazer: First of all, I think a lot of healers associate the value with themselves versus “I'm valuable because of this service that I provide and I have this training.” And so then, we start to have all these limiting beliefs of feeling like a fraud, or “I need more training.” Or maybe you are really great at what you do, but you feel guilty charging because you should do it for free, because you want to heal everyone. There's all these things instead of value being placed on me. It's the value of the transformation that I'm providing. I want you to think about what's the value of your transformation. So if you're curing someone of some illness that they've been dealing with for 20 years, that is huge, that's priceless. 

It's reframing how you're looking at things and giving yourself permission without feeling guilty that you're not serving everyone. There are other people that can serve them, number one. And there's other ways in which you can help people for free. So it's just looking at it from a different perspective and not feeling guilty that I'm leaving people behind. That's why we're all here. There's enough for everyone. We live in an abundant universe. Just look at nature and how rejuvenated it is. This illusion of lack is an illusion - it really is, even if you literally see nothing in your bank account. If we can just switch to that perspective of living in an abundant universe, I am the universe, I am literally a part of the universe, I'm naturally abundant.

It's like that four minute mile story, no one had ever run a mile in four minutes, and then one person did, and then the next year it was like a couple hundred and then it was a couple thousand, and because it was possible and they believed it was possible. We've seen that with Simone Biles, and now there's another gymnast who's almost at her level and beating her, and it's for us to just see. 

Also, every time you see someone doing something and it's irritating you or you're jealous about it, or you can't believe that person is charging so much money and she doesn't even know what she's doing - why is the universe bringing this to my attention? There's no mistake in the universe. So instead of being jealous, how can I view that as what's possible for me? That means I'm able to make that much money and I obviously know what I'm doing. To be happy for that person, versus being jealous or feeling insecure, or you know all these things.

How to Tune to Higher Vibrations

Jen Mazer: From our limited perspective, if I step into this bigger thing, I could make an even bigger impact, and we get stuck on business models just because that's the way we see everybody doing things. But there is always a third door. It's like just looking at it from that higher perspective, because if we think about the quantum field, we're one point on the field. We can only see things that are nearby us based on that limited perspective. But we are the field right, we're not just that point of where we think we are in time - it’s taking that higher perspective.

Manifesting is not just a writing of an intention, but it comes from a feeling place and it's the feelings associated with that. Everything is a vibration in the universe, everything is a frequency. So we can tune our channel to be a vibrational match, even before we have what we want, just like you can smile and it releases endorphins that allows you to be happy. I don't need to be happy first. I can smile, I can fake laugh. It leads to the real laugh. 

The highest frequencies of the universe are gratitude, awe and love. So what are things that can make me feel grateful right now when I think of my life? What's something awe-inspiring? It doesn't have to be from today, maybe it was an experience I had before that I can tap into, or just looking at my hands and how magical it is that I can move them, and that my heart is beating, that's all inspiring. Tuning into that frequency, it shifts you.

Reframing Discomfort as Signs of Things to Come

Jen Mazer: if you have a desire, you're ready now. You're ready now because you wouldn't have that desire if you weren't ready. And everything new you want in your life is going to feel uncomfortable at first because it's new. So even if you're comfortable or you might say, “I'm not comfortable because I want more.” Everything around you that you've manifested on some level, you're comfortable with because it's what you know. So a new event, a new experience, making more money, being in your dream relationship, all those things it's all going to feel uncomfortable at first because it's new.

We want to reframe discomfort as a good thing. That means I'm about to get everything that I want. Sometimes it can be scary, but that's the exciting feeling and we've all felt that before. It feels exciting and that's because we're about to get what we want. So I hope you can reframe that discomfort as a good thing.

How Jen Built her Dream Practice

Jen Mazer: Queen of Manifestation was really born from my friends nicknaming me the Queen of manifestation. And then they asked me to do a guided visualization and some exercises one New Year's Eve when my friend was hosting a vision boarding party, and so I did, and then I led this visualization and then people started to actually manifest things that they saw in the vision pretty fast afterwards and so that led to me creating my online program called Manifestation Masters. That's now in my 12th year of running it and that's a 40-day program. That's advanced and really like a kick start of stepping into things every day for 40 days with my coaching. It's pretty awesome - people experience amazing things. So I keep doing it. And then people asked me, “what is the universe asking of you?” People asked me if I do private coaching, so I started doing private coaching and clients actually want a great story real quick.

One of my first clients in my private coaching practice was an acupuncturist with a private practice in California and she had noticed that she was seeing a lot of kids in her practice, infants and who she was treating and they were getting great results for eczema, and they couldn't figure out how to cure it. And so, working with me, I helped her find acupuncture pediatrics. Instead of just raising her rates, I helped her launch that program. The very first month that she launched acupuncture pediatrics, she had her first $60,000 month. 

I led her through a guided visualization and she saw working with me on acupuncture pediatrics. But then I took the dream up a notch. In the vision, she was writing a book and got a phone call from the CEO of Hay House Publishing, Reid Tracy, telling her that she got the book. Because of the vision, she started to write a book proposal. Nine months later, she got a call, just exactly as in the vision, from the CEO of Hay House, Reid Tracy, telling her that she got a book deal. 

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