Healer Q&A: Quantum science applications in holistic healing with Cathleen Beerkens.

July 10, 2024
Healer Q&A
Cathleen Beerkens

The following interview is a transcript excerpt from The Heallist Podcast episode. Listen to the full audio version below and subscribe to get notified of new episodes.

Have you ever wondered how quantum physics can revolutionize your approach to healing? In this eye-opening episode of the Healist Podcast, we are joined by Yuli Ziv, a holistic health and wellness coach, the visionary founder of A Wellness Revolution and the insightful author of "Your Creator Matrix." Cathleen shares her transformative journey from a conventional Western nurse to a trailblazing holistic healer. This discussion promises to inspire and guide healers on how to incorporate the principles of quantum healing and the new science into their practices, offering a holistic yet practical approach to personal well-being and healthcare.

We explore groundbreaking new paradigms in energy healing, delving into the disruptive impact of synthetic substances on our natural vibrational harmony and the evolutionary shifts in human DNA. Cathleen's profound insights highlight the necessity of personalized healthcare approaches, acknowledging our unique bio-individuality. This thought-provoking conversation encourages practitioners to stay curious and adaptable in the face of an unprecedented era of consciousness and self-healing.

Cathleen sheds light on the intricate connections between our energy fields, chakras, meridians, and overall wellness, emphasizing the need for a harmonious integration of our physical, mental, and spiritual selves. The episode culminates with an inspiring discussion on collective healing and the role of lightworkers in raising our collective frequency.

Quantum Physics and Healing

Yuli Ziv: Your book provides an easy to read overview of how quantum physics, spirituality, and holistic healing relate to wellbeing and holistic healthcare. How much research did you do to translate it to this easy language?

Cathleen Beerkens: My own story guided me to understand these concepts. As a Western nurse, I saw illness and asked why people came to the hospital not knowing how sick they were. We didn't have total answers. I kept asking why.

We are in a time of awakening, learning quickly. We see things we didn't before. We have to address them, not deny them because we lack studies. Science is asking questions. We have to say why this makes sense.

Medicine has become reductionistic. We need to understand who we are, why we're here, and how to do it well. It disturbs me that so many are suffering and can't fulfill their purpose. We are amazing beings and have to feel good. Keep searching and look at the whole, the quantum, for answers.

Yuli Ziv: Many can relate. We've gotten partial answers or misdiagnosis from doctors. It's hopeless, people lose power. In hospitals, you give away the power to heal. It's fearful.

Cathleen Beerkens: It's fearful because you give your power away. If you don't feel you control your destiny, who will? Trusting someone with your life is hard now. I have a family of doctors. They try their best in a system that's falling apart. The old structures are falling so we can create new ones. But not making anyone wrong. We want to listen to each other and create a better world.

Health as Connection, Disease as Disconnection

Cathleen Beerkens: The point was that I started to learn a very important idea that had disturbed me since I was a nurse, which was that health and wellness are about connection. When your field, your creator matrix, your body, mind, spirit, all levels, emotional body, all of it is flowing and connected to the field, you are healthy.

Any part of you that has disconnection or compression, whether it's physically having toxins, you've eaten a lot of toxins, or whether it's emotionally low frequency emotions based on a certain comfort zone with a certain emotion, like guilt, you get comfortable with that, you just keep living it every day. That occurs at the cell level also. Toxicity can occur on all levels of our creator matrix and block our channels of connection to that universal field.

We have to agree that we create our reality, that we are not just a physical body. Science has proven that we are all connected through a field, we are appendages of it, creating reality in this matrix. The matrix is shifting to a higher frequency world. We're going to a more loving, sacred world. Our geometry is rising in frequency. As that's happening, old healing modalities might not work. We're going to a new place with new possibilities, so we have to be open to those possibilities.

Unique Healing Needs in a Changing World

Yuli Ziv: What do you mean by some of “the old modalities might not work”?

Cathleen Beerkens: If we could use those modalities in the past to unclog our creator matrix, it might be that our baseline is much higher now. Maybe that herb isn't going to completely work. We are changing our very basics.

What has gotten in the way of our creator matrix functioning optimally is a lot of synthetics. They don't vibrate like us, so they can cause trouble in that flow. We could just take vitamins and minerals. We were not conscious that pharmacy was making most of them synthetic. We had no idea of the consequences of synthetic vitamins in the long run.

We're all frequency. Every part of us vibrates. When we feel good, it vibrates in harmony. When we're not, there's disharmony or imbalance. We have to look at bio-individuality. As we are shifting our frequency quickly, it's not true that if someone comes with a problem, you give them this and it will be the answer.

There's no one size fits all, like food. We can't say this is the perfect diet. Each person is unique. We can't deny the physical body and what it needs. The physical body is changing. We have to be aware and patient. We're all unique, so we have to understand each person will need different things. This is something we are starting to understand.

Yuli Ziv: That is profound. I could relate to so many things you said. In the States, we have access to any supplement, testing, and still there are unanswered things that should be working but they're not. You're answering that for me. We are not the same human DNA as 20, 10, or maybe 5 years ago.

Holistic Healing and Connection

Cathleen Beerkens: There might be people coming from other places who need different things. As a practitioner, keep curious, ask questions, realize we are in the biggest quantum leap of consciousness ever. It's the most exciting, amazing time to be alive.

In the future, we are going towards self-healing, less "I'm the healer healing you". We're not there yet, it will need transition. During that transition, all people helping others heal are important and needed, but they need to be open that the world is changing quickly, doctors too. Any doctor saying, "I have it all, this is the way it is," they're learning themselves. I know many doctors and nurses who have gotten cancer and realized it isn't working like they thought.

We have to stay open to the idea that we're in this huge moment. This quantum leap in consciousness is helping us move from third density to a fourth density or dimensional reality. Imagine how much change has to happen in our subconscious, where we create our reality from, our belief systems. If we believe taking a certain medicine will cure us, perhaps it would work, because our thoughts are that powerful.

In the future, healing will be much easier when we understand we are not just physical, emotional, mental or spiritual entities. We used to separate them, like putting mentally ill people in institutions, as if the mental was separate from physical and physical separate from spiritual. We can't do that anymore. We have to realize each part of our creator matrix affects the other. To be healthy, well and thriving, we need to address all aspects of ourselves.

Bringing Light Body into Physical

Yuli Ziv: Are you talking about our ability to see and work with the energies or the electromagnetic fields and the larger field as well, and is energy healing really the healing of the future?

Cathleen Beerkens: I think it's a combination right now because we are still very much carbon-based structures. Physically, we can't deny that we have a carbon body. It's very dense, but it's lightening up. My idea is that we're going towards a much more crystalline structure in the future. Perhaps by then, if you're all crystalline, then you're all frequency. If you don't even necessarily have a real density to you, then perhaps yes, by that point it would only be energy.

However, I think, because we're in this matrix right now, which is also physical, where we have atoms and cells, and cells are proven to be multidimensional too, just like we are, the cells need nourishment on all of those levels. Two things have to happen for us to stay healthy right now in our matrix. It's not just energy, because I have known many energy healers and they try to do energy with somebody and it just doesn't work. And they do it with someone else and it works. It's a combination, in my opinion.

But if you can imagine, you have the structure and you want to help people who are physically not well, you're working to help them on all levels and you ask them to connect with all levels. You listen to them emotionally and how they are mentally, and you get in touch with what they're thinking and feeling all day long because thoughts create our reality.

Imagine that we would like to say it's all just going to a healer and getting a frequency and then being better. But if my thought patterns, as the creator, are not what I really want to bring into my reality, if I'm sick all day long and I keep thinking I'm sick and I'm never going to get better, and oh my God, that doctor told me I'd be dead in three months, okay, I'm going to be dead.

Creating Reality Through Thoughts

Cathleen Beerkens: We need to get in touch with our thoughts, reprogram those thoughts, and make our thought patterns reflect what we want in life. If we want to be healed and healthy, we have to believe it's possible. Clients who get energy healing and work on changing thought patterns do the best.

I know a lady who healed herself by thinking joyful thoughts because illness cannot exist in high frequency. If you're in lower frequency, not taking care of yourself for years, you might get sick after a major stressor. Then self-esteem drops, fears surface, and disease manifests. Maybe with better self-care the outcome would differ. But can we eat well with the food available?

Yuli Ziv: In the holistic field, a modality might work for one but not another. People find what works if they keep exploring, but it can be lengthy and expensive. How can we make the process more efficient? As a healer, what if I knew it might not work for someone?

Cathleen Beerkens: I've done energy work for years. People felt great, I helped their energy flow. But if they had blockages, negative thoughts, or no spiritual connection, they're lost. We create reality, so we need a higher perspective to be whole. Many have lost touch in unfulfilling jobs.

Energy is who we are. Our purpose is to bring that energy into a body, which is why we incarnated. We couldn't bring it all before, but with the shift, we can bring more now.

Light is information and creativity. We create reality through our field. We are meant to bring light into the body. Even with quantum changes, we have a body to honor.

I see people heal through nutrition, energy work, and changing thoughts. But we have to look at all aspects and ask if they are in harmony. Connection is health, disconnection is disease.

We will help people become completely connected, so their matrix vibrates at high frequency. In the future we may know all the ways by understanding this concept and working together to accelerate the process.

Nutrition and Cellular Health

Yuli Ziv: The scientific community should collaborate more with the holistic community because the information is currently siloed. People like you are starting to merge scientific studies and ancient traditions together. My hope is this conversation will inspire holistic healers to think about how quantum physics, atoms, cells, light energy and entanglement relate to their practice. We have the power to advance holistic healing.

There's a thirst for innovation in the general population. It's easier to sell biohacking concepts than ancient traditions. Some top spiritual teachers are infusing quantum physics language into ancient realities, but when they are open about it, they sometimes get in trouble with the scientific community and get canceled. It's unfortunate.

Cathleen Beerkens: For health, we need connection. To have connection, we need to clean each part of our creator matrix. We also have to build the structures properly, so the cell gets what it needs to be cohesive and coherent.

A big component of nutrition was missing - the understanding of sugars. Every cell is made of crystalline sugars called glycans. Glycans are the actual connection to the universal field. They are the intelligence, connectors and communicators at the cell membrane. Without glycans we cannot be connected. Glycans come from nature.

Herbs are amazing, but glycans are sometimes in herbs. There are eight of them. They form an alphabet on the outside of cells that communicate with everything. When we speak we connect to them. They vibrate. If we constantly say negative things about ourselves, the cell becomes low frequency. Then the genes expressed will be destructive.

Glycans are on every cell, connected to our field. The pineal gland plays a role in higher chakras and is crystal because it has glycans. Glycans are responsible for how our neural networks and thoughts work. This science should be taught in schools.

Importance of Authenticity and Love

Yuli Ziv: Most people live with the preconditioned structure we learn when young and continue with that knowledge. You can't live like that these days. Information is updated so frequently that you have to take biology, chemistry and physics every few years to keep up. Otherwise, we're living in the old paradigm.

Cathleen Beerkens: Some of us are meant to be teachers, to make things simpler. Our whole educational system has to change. All the old structures have to change. When our new kids are interested in something, they'll be much faster if they create their own curriculum. But right now, it's challenging.

We're in the transition. We have to be in our hearts. I encourage everyone to go to their hearts and love yourself, because you're here for a reason. If anything, I said it stimulated you to ask more questions, that's why I'm here. If something didn't resonate, that's okay. We need to not argue about right or wrong. We need to be loving. What is our truth? Let's go to our authentic nature. If we could all be authentic, we would go faster.

Many of you are lightworkers. You're here for the new time. Connect with each other, be open, heal all aspects of your creator matrix and resonate at the highest frequency you can. Realize that you create in every moment. Living in the moment is what it's about. I send my best to all of you because I'm one of you

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