Healer Q&A: Quantum wisdom for healing and empowerment with Ashley Brothers.

May 28, 2024
Healer Q&A
Ashley Brothers

The following interview is a transcript excerpt from The Heallist Podcast episode. Listen to the full audio version below and subscribe to get notified of new episodes.

Embark on a transformative journey as we welcome Ashley Brothers, a motivational speaker, spiritual counselor, teacher, and intuitive healer with a passion for ancient and modern healing techniques. Trained in psychic mediumship, journeying, soul retrieval, divination, oracle work, dying consciously, chakra illumination, reiki, massage, craniosacral therapy, sound therapy, pranic healing, reflexology, and countless shamanic initiations and ceremonies, she seamlessly blends quantum physics with age-old spiritual wisdom to unlock profound personal growth.

Throughout our conversation, we shed light on the art of shamanic intention setting, likening it to dialing into the universe's frequency to manifest precise outcomes. Ashley unravels the power of interpreting energetic and spiritual messages, a skill honed through years of dedication to her craft.

Protecting your vibrational frequency is akin to safeguarding your personal harmony in a world buzzing with digital distractions. In a candid discussion, we navigate the challenges of social media and its tendency to consume our attention unwittingly, urging a mindful approach to our digital diets. The significance of the company we keep and the content we consume takes center stage, as we equip you with strategies for curating an environment conducive to higher vibrations and well-being. Cultivating discernment in our interactions both online and offline emerges as a crucial practice for anyone on a journey towards inner peace and empowerment.

Finally, the episode illuminates the magnetic allure of self-belief and its pivotal role in healing and personal development, especially for light workers and those called to serve others. We explore the symbiotic relationship between confidence, passion, and the ability to inspire and connect with others, threading in insights from quantum physics to emphasize the 'as above, so below' principle.  Join us to unlock the door to a future of healing and elevated consciousness.

Shamanic Practices and Quantum Physics

Ashley: People come with different situations not working for them. I figure out where they want to be and what they need to start or stop doing, in ordinary reality or energetically, to align with the life or health they want. Every cell of your body has intelligence we can connect to, interact with, and embody for different things in life. People explain their situation, and I journey for them, in person or on my own, based on their situations or questions, looking for solutions. 

Shamanic healing work shifts brainwave frequencies to theta, a meditative state. I may use drums, rattles, or breath to tap into theta and connect deeply with the client. I ask their consciousness what's wrong, the source of their problem, in this lifetime—dimension or ancestral. I look for the core problem and solution.

In meditative states, I tap into the person. I see their light body and shadows, indicating a blockage, entity, or energy attached to them needing removal, or an absence of their consciousness in that body part due to abuse, trauma, and neglect.

We call it soul loss, a loss of consciousness or energy in that body area. I see if something needs removal or restoration to align with their divine harmonic perfection. During the journey, I may see visuals and get messages in my head that I write down for the client. I go into written mediumship where my guides or my consciousness tell me about the person's mental, emotional, or physical health or any issue. 

My guides may give information about things they need to do in ordinary reality, like leaving a toxic relationship or a helpful supplement. I enter an alternate state of consciousness to see what needs to be done in ordinary reality and energetically to shift the person.

Understanding Connections and Energy Fields

Yuli: This is incredible and deep. We'll unpack it more in a minute because I have many questions. First, when you say you connect with a person, what do you mean by "person"? Is it their energetic field, their soul? There are many terms like aura and light body. Can you define that better?

Ashley: There are different parts of a person: physical body, mental body, and the mental body can have parts like the consciousness, which has infinite possibilities and skills. This part is in the frontal lobe, controlling reality. The hindbrain, or mammalian brain, is the subconscious, holding past records and patterns.

As a shamanic practitioner, setting an intention is like tuning a TV or radio to a specific channel or entering an address into a GPS. The intention determines which part of the person's psyche or consciousness I connect to, whether it's the light body, energy body, or a part that speaks back to me.

Setting intentions tweaks the dial for the information I get, whether for information, empowerment, healing, clearing, or restoring. I'm connecting to as many parts of them as possible because the higher self may give information, but I also want to hear from the lower self about its belief systems or self-protective actions.

The Role of Intention in Healing

Ashley: I have learned through years of practice to ask specific questions or set specific intentions. Intention setting is a skill. I am connecting with the light body and the aura. I can connect with different organs to find out if there is something out of balance. I will feel it in my body and get information about what is happening for them and what the problem or solution is from a standpoint of medical mediumship, but also parts of their consciousness or their guides or loved ones.

Yuli: It seems like you are receiving so many different types of information. We are talking about all senses, basically, the visual and verbal. Are we also talking about vibrations?

Ashley: Every organ has vibrations and that vibration can be fine-tuned through intention to give you an image, a color, or a sensation in your body. It is emitting a frequency, just like a radio that you can fine-tune to get specific information about.

Yuli: To get to that level, do you feel like you had to go through all those different modalities to piece it all together for yourself, or is it something you trained, learned, or are born with? How do you get to that level of perception and receptiveness of the other human being?

Ashley: It is like a massage therapist. Oftentimes, people, when you first start out in massage training, they say, "Hey, do you feel that softness or that hardness in that area of the body?" You have to learn palpation skills through repetition. The same thing with energy. 

When I first started, I had premonitions that would prevent accidents and death, but it wasn't anything I could call upon at all. In fact, the first five years of my training, I really struggled because I didn't know how to change that. 

It was my sheer determination, for one thing, but also going through a significant illness, that really got me so exquisitely sensitive to all these different energies that were out there, not only the negative ones, but the positive ones.

I had to learn to interpret all this different information, whether it be a sensation in my body, a message that may be either direct or metaphorical. Spiritual images are not a direct translation. They are symbolic and a person has to learn to interpret things. Build a relationship with the other side. It is not just something you do occasionally, like a 10-minute or one-hour meditation. It is all day, every day.

If I don't get the information I want, I learn to ask a different question or set a different intention. I'm constantly tweaking. I have enough experience that I have just learned to do things in a way that none of my teachers have taught me. That's what happens when you build a relationship with the other side. 

The more you do, the more information you get. What started off as one sentence or one flash of an image became like 48 pages of information in one day, or hours of visuals. Just like honing a mental muscle or a physical muscle.

Yuli: That's incredible to hear about your determination to crack this code. As someone who's been your client, this is probably the most comprehensive report about myself I've ever received. The wealth of information was just incredible. There are some really actionable recommendations that are very holistic, very easy to implement, totally aligned with and totally spot on.

Impact of Social Media and External Influences

Ashley: Most people are focused on worst-case scenarios, the negative. In quantum physics, wherever you look for the electron, there it is. A lot of times, people's attention is caught up in distractions like social media or whatever somebody else wants from them.

When you're scrolling on TikTok or Instagram, somebody wants your attention. They have learned to keep that attention through dancing, saying something, or whatever. Instead of directing our attention to what we want or need, we allow others to direct it. If we're listening to news or other social media, people are programming us constantly through words, images, stimulation, versus us doing it for ourselves.

When we get hooked into that, we may spend hours of our day focused on what we don't want. We're generating this emotional field that is so strong, giving life, giving birth to our thoughts. I'm deliberately trying to direct my attention into a constructive, manifesting, healing way, versus being in an unconscious, unaware destructive pattern.

Yuli: Hopefully, more people are realizing this these days too. There's talk about mental diet, social media diet—not dieting in terms of losing weight, but being conscious of what we're consuming, not just in our physical bodies but with all our receptors. 

I love that you mentioned quantum entanglement. This is how I feel with TikTok. When I open the app, I'm not in control of my reality. Information flows to me and I don't have much control over it or filters.

On platforms like Instagram, you can fine-tune your feed to be inspiring and uplifting. Other platforms hook you into something you didn't intend. When we are in that passive state, we consume mindlessly, like overeating. 

Ashley: Where attention goes, energy flows. When you give somebody your attention, not only do they consume your energy, but they also consume your time. Many people find they've scrolled for hours. They've consumed your energy and time, and you may feel weird afterwards. You might first feel a little high because they are feeding you something almost like a dopamine hit through their antics or words. You get a temporary high. 

But while getting this fix, you are being consumed—your time, attention, and energy. You might feel depressed or anxious later and need to go back for another fix. But every time, you're being consumed. When you push the like button, give comments, you are feeding into the machine. You're feeding them but draining yourself, giving them likes, giving them awards, accolades, number of users, maybe money. You become less of you and more of them.

In this quantum physics realm, there is power of proximity. Proximity may mean in person with somebody. If a higher vibrational person is with a lower vibrational person, that higher person will lower by a minimum of 30% in energy, performance, mood. 

Proximity can also include whatever you spend time listening to. If you listen to death metal, podcasts about negative world events or news media, that stuff coming to you changes your vibration for better or worse through attention. You immediately become quantum entangled. The shamans in our classes would say don't listen to death metal, watch porn, or horror movies, because what it does to your third eye is destructive and it takes so much to offset it. 

Strategies for Protecting and Enhancing Personal Energy

Yuli: Outside of conscious consumption, how can we untangle or detangle from things that are not for our highest good? How can an average person protect their field from those influences?

Ashley: There are many different types of influences. Figure out the activities or the music you're listening to. Make it higher caliber, not cheap stuff degrading women or about screwing somebody over. Get rid of things directing your attention to those types of music, media, news, or certain things. 

Be conscious of your relationships too. Often people get into trauma bonds or superficial relationships that direct their attention to negative topics, where people just bond over complaining, comparing who's sicker, or whatever. 

If people around you constantly drain you, determine if some relationships need to end. Some people will constantly talk you out of possibilities to keep you in a realm they're comfortable with. They want you to stay small so they don't feel bad about themselves, or they have limiting beliefs. Choose a higher caliber of people. 

Raise your standards for yourself, your physical diet, and exercise. Moving your body can change your frequency, like jumping, running, or exerting yourself. Other things people can do are breathwork or meditation. When observing your breath, you are in neutral, stopping adrenaline and cortisol, going into homeostasis where the body can heal itself. If you pair that neutral breathing with a positive emotion like gratitude, joy, or appreciation, you can start producing serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and DHEA—the happy hormones your body needs to feel joyful and amazing. 

The more you get into this neutral or better non-reaction place, the more you attract people, synchronicities, events, circumstances, relationships in alignment with that rather than the negative. Be careful of your diet, friend groups, what you're listening to or watching. Move your body, listen to your breath, and be aware of your speech.

If you have negative self-talk or say judgmental, limiting things to others, it acts like a spell, curse, or incantation. If you say, "I can never do this because X, Y, Z happened," the universe will say, "Okay." If you say, "I can do amazing things. I'm fabulous," the universe will say, "Okay." 

It is where you direct your attention and emotion. Be conscious of your speech patterns, because people are often super hard and critical of themselves out of habit.

The Importance of Self-Perception in Healing Practices

Yuli: There's also the importance of being seen, especially in this time when there's so much negative energy and information out there. It's important for this community, especially of healers, the people really working on raising the earth's vibration, to be seen. 

We can't completely ignore some channels as negative or distractive, but there needs to be more pure voices. What is your point of view on that and how do you do that consciously, intentionally, and powerfully?

Ashley: First, how do you see yourself? How you identify yourself is big, and how you show up, how others see, view, and treat you is based on how you see, view, and treat yourself. Before being seen, work on your personal identity, which you can shift intentionally.

Instead of focusing on the past to clean up, create a new mirror for yourself—a version you've never been, like a world-renowned speaker or healer. Really get that vision set, tap into what that feels like as if you are that person. Where are they in the world? 

If you believe in yourself and show up, you'll emit an attractive, magnetic frequency that people want to work with because you believe in yourself. It has to start with you. Tap into yourself, not from arrogance but passion about what you do and belief in the work and yourself as the practitioner. You'll attract people. The more you do that, you build confidence to put yourself out, letting the world know you exist.

Get clear on who you are, be passionate about it, and what message you want the world to know. What do you want to achieve through your work? Figure the best way to share that message or get the word out about you and that work. Be willing to do public talks, something on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

Be clear with yourself and the universe about what you really want. See it done and keep practicing over and over until it becomes reality. Don't let anybody talk you out of possibilities. Be devoted, believe you've been chosen by the people and things you've wanted, and do not cheat on those dreams with fears, doubts, or anything else. Be 100% devoted to what you seek.

Applying Quantum Principles to Shamanic Healing

Yuli: Any other parallels between principles of the quantum world and the spiritual world we're trying to build, that we're building with lightworkers and healers actively working to raise vibrations? Any other principles we can use to become better magnets?

Ashley: You've probably heard, "As above, so below, as within, so without." It's the law of correspondence, one of the universal laws. "As above, so below" means what you think in your head is put into your body. Not only do thoughts affect emotions, but you can literally make yourself well or sick. Be careful of your thoughts because they will sink into your body. 

"As within, so without" means whatever you're thinking and feeling will be reflected in the outer world. If you think the world's going to hell, you'll see evidence of it. But if you focus on seeing the world healed and your role in that, you'll be part of raising others' vibration.

When dealing with people as a healer, see the person whole. If you just see their illnesses and make yourself responsible for fixing them, you're limiting your range. But if you see this person already whole and fixate on them going into a fully healed state, you're seeing their perfection. 

Many practitioners try putting their energy into somebody, making themselves responsible for the timing and way they heal. But if you anchor in that they are already fully healed, you speed up that process and allow the universe to work on healing them without your participation. 

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