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Akashic Records

Overview, Who It's For, and What to Expect From Your Virtual Session

The Akashic Records are a cosmic library containing a vibrational record of every soul's journey throughout time and space. This energetic archive holds information about all thoughts, emotions, events, and intentions that have occurred or will occur. The Records exist in a non-physical realm and can be accessed through intuitive reading, meditation, or working with a trained Akashic Records reader.

The concept of the Akashic Records has roots in various spiritual traditions, offering profound insights into one's soul purpose, past lives, and karmic patterns. By tapping into this infinite source of knowledge, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their unique path and the lessons they are here to learn.

Who are Akashic Records Readings For?

Akashic Records readings are suitable for anyone seeking greater self-awareness, personal growth, and spiritual transformation. They offer a powerful tool for those feeling stuck, facing life transitions, processing grief or trauma, or wanting to deepen their connection with their inner wisdom and soul's purpose.

Individuals from all walks of life and belief systems can benefit from Akashic Records readings. The information contained within the Records reflects the universal truths and experiences of the human journey, regardless of one's religious or spiritual background.

What Specific Health Conditions are Akashic Records Readings Beneficial For?

While not a substitute for professional medical treatment, Akashic Records readings can provide complementary support for emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Many people find that accessing their Records helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression by offering a broader perspective on life's challenges and a deeper connection to inner wisdom and resilience.

Akashic Records readings can be particularly beneficial for those struggling with unresolved grief, childhood traumas, relationship issues, low self-esteem, and chronic worry or fear. By illuminating the root causes of these challenges and providing guidance for healing, the Records can support greater self-awareness, acceptance, and peace.

What are the Risks Associated with Akashic Records Readings?

Akashic Records readings are generally considered safe and non-invasive, as they do not involve physical manipulation or ingestion of substances. However, there are potential emotional and energetic risks to be aware of.

The information accessed during a reading can sometimes be intense, revealing past traumas, karmic patterns, or challenging truths about oneself. While this information is intended to support healing and growth, it can be difficult to process, especially if one is not prepared for the depth of insight that may arise.

To mitigate this risk, it's important to work with a qualified and experienced reader who can create a safe and supportive space, pacing the session and offering guidance for integrating insights.

Who Can Practice Akashic Records Readings?

Anyone with a sincere desire to learn and engage in spiritual practice can learn to access the Akashic Records for personal growth. However, offering professional readings typically requires specialized training and certification to ensure safety, ethics, and integrity.

Many Akashic Records readers begin their journey with a personal interest in spirituality, meditation, or intuitive development. To become a professional reader, individuals typically undergo a training program with a qualified teacher or organization, covering topics such as the history and principles of the Records, accessing techniques, ethics, and healing applications.

How to Choose the Right Akashic Records Practitioner For You

When choosing an Akashic Records practitioner, consider their training, experience, and resonance with your own values and approach. Look for a reader who communicates clearly, creates a safe space, and has a proven track record of successful readings.

Pay attention to your intuitive feelings when researching potential practitioners. Trust your instincts and choose a reader who feels like a supportive partner in your journey of self-discovery and growth.

What Does a Typical In-Person Akashic Records Session Look Like?

An in-person Akashic Records session begins with a conversation to establish rapport, clarify intentions, and answer questions about the process. The reader will guide the client through a grounding exercise to help them relax and connect with their inner wisdom.

Using a sacred prayer or invocation, the reader will access the client's Records, receiving impressions, images, or messages related to the client's past lives, soul purpose, relationships, or current challenges. The reader shares these insights, allowing for questions and reflection.

The session may also include energetic healing or balancing, using crystals, sound, or light touch to clear blockages in the client's energy field. As the session closes, the reader guides the client through a gentle return to ordinary consciousness, offering suggestions for self-care and integration.

What Does a Virtual Akashic Records Session Look Like?

A virtual Akashic Records session follows a similar structure to an in-person session, with accommodations for the online format. The client and reader connect via a secure video conferencing platform, ensuring a comfortable and private space.

The reader begins by establishing rapport and connection with the client, clarifying intentions and answering questions. They then guide the client through a grounding meditation, adapting any visual cues or energetic transmissions for the virtual space.

Accessing the Records, the reader shares insights and impressions, engaging the client in dialogue and reflection. They may use virtual tools, such as screen sharing or digital whiteboards, to enhance the interactive experience.

As the session closes, the reader supports the client in grounding and integrating the insights received, offering practical guidance for continued exploration and growth beyond the virtual space.

What Can You Expect After an Akashic Records Session?

After an Akashic Records session, most people feel a sense of clarity, peace, and empowerment. They may gain practical guidance for moving forward with an issue or a deeper understanding of their soul's journey. Some experience energetic shifts or heightened intuition.

It's important to allow time for integration, staying hydrated, resting, and reflecting on any insights or messages received. Journaling, meditation, or creative expression can support the integration process.

As the days and weeks unfold after a session, many people notice synchronicities, opportunities, or shifts in perspective that align with the themes and guidance of their reading. Follow-up sessions can provide ongoing support and insight as one continues to navigate their path of healing and growth.

Integrated Energy Therapy

Overview, Who It's For, and What to Expect From Your Virtual Session

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a gentle, non-invasive energy healing technique that works with the body's cellular memory and energy field to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. By using the violet angelic energy ray, IET aims to release suppressed feelings, limiting beliefs, and blocked energy patterns that may be holding you back from living your fullest potential.

IET recognizes that our experiences, both positive and negative, are stored within our cellular memory, affecting our health, relationships, and overall quality of life. By working directly with the 12-Strand Spiritual DNA, IET helps to re-align and re-balance the body's energy field, promoting a sense of harmony, clarity, and vitality.

Who is Integrated Energy Therapy For?

Integrated Energy Therapy is suitable for anyone seeking to enhance their overall well-being and live a more fulfilling life. Whether you are struggling with physical health issues, emotional challenges, mental blocks, or spiritual disconnection, IET can provide gentle yet powerful support for your healing journey.

IET is particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect, as it can help to release deep-seated emotions and beliefs that may be keeping them stuck in patterns of pain and limitation. By providing a safe, nurturing space for healing, IET can help individuals to reclaim their power, trust their inner wisdom, and develop a greater sense of self-worth and self-compassion.

IET is also highly effective for those seeking to break free from limiting patterns in their relationships, careers, and creative pursuits. By clearing energy blocks and aligning with their authentic selves, individuals can experience greater clarity, confidence, and purpose in all areas of their lives.

What Specific Health Conditions is Integrated Energy Therapy Beneficial For?

While Integrated Energy Therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment, it can provide powerful complementary support for a wide range of physical and emotional health conditions. Many people have reported significant improvements in their symptoms and overall quality of life after receiving IET sessions.

On a physical level, IET has been known to help alleviate chronic pain, headaches, digestive issues, and autoimmune disorders. By releasing energy blockages and promoting a sense of relaxation and balance in the body, IET can support the healing of injuries, surgeries, and other physical traumas. It can also help to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and promote better sleep and overall vitality.

On an emotional level, IET is particularly effective for addressing anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma. By providing a safe space for the release of suppressed emotions and the integration of positive, empowering beliefs, IET can help individuals to develop greater emotional resilience, self-awareness, and inner peace. It can also be helpful for those struggling with addiction, eating disorders, and other self-destructive patterns, as it supports the development of healthier coping mechanisms and a stronger connection to one's authentic self.

In addition to its physical and emotional benefits, IET can also support mental clarity, focus, and creativity. By clearing energy blocks and aligning with one's intuition and inner wisdom, individuals may experience greater insight, inspiration, and problem-solving abilities. This can be particularly helpful for those seeking to overcome creative blocks, make important decisions, or navigate life transitions with greater ease and grace.

What are the Risks Associated with Integrated Energy Therapy?

As a gentle, non-invasive energy healing technique, Integrated Energy Therapy is generally considered safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience temporary discomfort as energy blockages are released, such as heightened emotions or physical sensations. These experiences are typically short-lived and are a sign that healing is taking place.

It is important to note that IET is not intended to replace professional medical care or psychiatric treatment. If you are currently under the care of a healthcare provider for a serious physical or mental health condition, it is important to consult with them before beginning any new healing modality.

Who Can Practice Integrated Energy Therapy?

Anyone who feels called to learn and practice Integrated Energy Therapy can do so with the right training and support. The Center of Being, founded by IET creator Stevan J. Thayer, offers a comprehensive training program that includes four levels of certification: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master-Instructor.

The Basic level of IET training is open to anyone who wishes to learn the technique for personal use or to integrate into their existing healing practice. For those who wish to practice IET professionally or deepen their understanding of the modality, the Intermediate and Advanced levels of training provide additional tools, techniques, and attunements.

How to Choose the Right Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner For You

One of the first things to consider when choosing an IET practitioner is their level of training and certification. As mentioned earlier, there are four levels of IET certification: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master-Instructor. While all levels of training can provide effective healing support, working with a practitioner who has achieved a higher level of certification can offer a deeper level of understanding and skill in the modality.

In addition to their level of training, it is also important to consider a practitioner's experience and specialization. Some IET practitioners may have additional training in other healing modalities, such as Reiki, massage therapy, or counseling, which can provide a more holistic and integrated approach to healing. Others may specialize in working with specific populations or issues, such as trauma survivors, children, or those with chronic health conditions.

Another important factor to consider when choosing an IET practitioner is their personal resonance and compatibility with your own energy and personality. While it is not necessary to become best friends with your practitioner, it is important to feel a sense of trust, comfort, and connection in their presence.

It can be helpful to read reviews or testimonials from previous clients, or to ask for referrals from trusted friends or healthcare providers. Ultimately, trust your own intuition and inner guidance when selecting a practitioner who feels like a true partner in your healing process.

What Does a Typical In-Person Integrated Energy Therapy Session Look Like?

During an in-person IET session, you will typically lie fully clothed on a massage table in a relaxing environment. Your practitioner will begin by discussing your intentions and areas of focus for the session, then use gentle hand placements and techniques to direct healing energy through your body.

Throughout the session, you may experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or emotional release as energy blockages are cleared and your system rebalances. The practitioner may also use visualization techniques or guided imagery to support your healing process. Sessions usually last 60-90 minutes.

What Does a Virtual Integrated Energy Therapy Session Look Like?

A virtual IET session is conducted remotely via phone or video call, following a similar structure to an in-person session. Prior to the session, you will discuss your intentions and concerns with your practitioner. During the call, the practitioner guides the client to find a comfortable space and discusses their intentions and concerns. They attune themselves to the client's energy field and may lead breathing exercises or visualizations to promote relaxation.

During the session, the practitioner uses the same hand positions and techniques as in-person, directing healing energy remotely through intention and visualization. The client may experience sensations like warmth, tingling, or emotional releases. The practitioner holds a supportive space and offers guidance as needed.

After the energy work, the practitioner gently guides the client back to alertness and may suggest self-care practices to integrate the healing. Virtual sessions offer convenience and accessibility, especially for those in remote areas or with busy schedules.

What Can You Expect After an Integrated Energy Therapy Session?

Immediately following a session, most people feel profound relaxation and peace, often with a sense of lightness or spaciousness in the body. Some may experience emotional release, such as tears or laughter, as old patterns and traumas are gently released.

In the days and weeks after an IET session, many report positive changes in their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These may include reduced pain, improved sleep, increased energy, strengthened immunity, greater self-acceptance, inner peace, and enhanced relationships. Spiritually, an IET session can deepen one's connection to inner wisdom, higher self, and the divine, leading to a greater sense of purpose, clarity, and alignment with their soul's path.

The healing process may continue unfolding in the days and weeks following a session, as the body and mind integrate the energetic shifts and insights received. Some may temporarily experience increased emotional sensitivity or physical symptoms, typically signaling deep healing taking place.

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