Heallist Fellowship

Unlock your holistic practice potential.

Refer peers & get $1,000 to grow your practice

In the spirit of supporting the holistic practitioners community, we are awarding a $1,000 grant to invest in your professional growth. Imagine the impact on your journey – whether it's upgrading your office equipment, enrolling in a continuing education course, or treating yourself to a well-deserved retreat to recharge. 

The Fellowship is open to new and existing members, marking the launch of our Referral Program. Enter by referring peers to join the Heallist network. The more people you refer, the greater your chances of receiving our Fellowship grant. Use your unique referral link and track progress through the new Referrals tab in your practitioner profile. 

Added bonus: As part of our new ongoing Referral Program, for each referred peer, you both get one extra month free on our premium Empowered plan.

Spring Fellowship: April 1-30, 2024 (ended)

Grant recipient: il'il Sat Prem

Winter Fellowship: January 1-30, 2024 (ended)

Grant recipient: Kim Yuskaitis

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